Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week of October 25th

No homework for the weekend.

Have a safe and happy Halloween.

The 4th grade will be having a Reading/Writing Celebration on Friday to celebrate the publication of our American Witches stories. Anyone who would like to send in a treat is welcome to, but no one should feel obligated.  Thank you!

REMINDER - NUT day tomorrow

Thursday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes. Finish The Legend of Sleepy Hollow if you didn't. If you did, read something else.

RRJ - respond to the questions about The Legend of Sleepy Hollow:
         1)What do you think really happened to Ichabod Crane at the end of the story? Use
            evidence from the text to support your answer.
          2) If you were rewriting the ending to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, what would you change?

SS - finish the 5W1H sheet and write your news article.

ELA - Finish the good copy of your American Witches story if you haven't finished yet.
Religion - make a thank you card for Father Victor who is returning to Ghana.

REMINDER - dress in red tomorrow ($2.00)

Wednesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes.

Math - page 8 and 9 in workbook.

Word Study - exercise 2 D in notebook.

Science - look up the Vocabulary words on page C32 and copy the Glossary definition into your Science Notebook on page 9.

REMINDER - Jacket orders are due tomorrow

Tuesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes. Complete setting sheet.

Writing - write the revised draft of your American Witches story on the yellow paper (skipping a line).

Math - page 11 in workbook. Show ALL work in NB.

Word Study - exercises 2 B and 2C in notebook.

Monday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes.

Writing - write the first draft of your American Witches story in your Writer's Notebook (Journal).

Math - page 71 in workbook (measurement)

Red Ribbon Week - make your poster (due Wed.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week of October 18th

Thursday -

Read - 15 minutes - not The Witches.

Religion - sheet. The line was our responsorial psalm at Mass today. Think of what you saw in the park and illustrate the line from the psalm.

Science - finish/neaten your work from the park trip. Make sure you have answered all of the questions on the sheet.

Math - review multiplication tables. You might want to try the games on multiplication.com

Writing - choose 2 or 3 ideas from your list and write a paragraph describing what your story would be about it you used that idea. Think of it like the back cover of a book - it just hints at what the story is about; it doesn't tell the story.


Progress reports went home today. We are using a new form this year. Please sign and return.

Read for 15 minutes (something other than The Witches) and look for examples of dialogue.

In RRJ, write a paragraph about your favorite part of The Witches so far.

Math - page 7.  Study for Math Spelling test tomorrow. Get test signed and do corrections.

Religion - pages 32 - 35.

Congratulations to all of the 4th graders who participated in today's math bee. As the youngest students in the bee, you have the hardest role, but you did a wonderful job! We're very proud of all of you for having the excellent work habits to participate in Math Bee and the courage to stand before such a large audience and demonstrate mind-boggling mathematics skills.

Special congratulations to Anthony for winning the spot as alternate.

Tuesday Homeework


The Rosary Rally is Wednesday at 11.
There are two trip permission slips to be signed and returned.

 Read The Witches. How much you are to read depends on what page goal your group set.  As you are reading, record (in RRJ) several examples of how Roald Dahl uses dialogue. Record it the way we discussed in class, using quotation marks and a new paragraph for each character who speaks.

LA - test on sentences is tomorrow. (Review text pages xii and 2 - 7)

Religion - say a decade of the Rosary in preparation for the Rosary Rally tomorrow.

Math - study number sheet for test Thursday.

Word Study - review words and do activity 2A in notebook.

Monday Homework:

Permission slip for park trip on Thursday.

Read The Witches. How much you are to read depends on what page goal your group set.  As you are reading, be sure to use either your RRJ or post-its to record your thoughts, words you don't know, questions, predictions, connections, etc.

LA - Write Source workbook pages 86 and 87. Study for test.

Math - study number spelling sheet.

Word Study - make index cards for the words in your "New to me" list.

Religion - review the Mysteries of the Rosary.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week of October 12th

Weekend -

No written homework but remember to study for the Math test on Monday and ELA on Wednesday.

Thursday Homework

Math - sheet and study numbers.
LA sheet (both sides)

Religion - sheet (due Monday) and study prayers. Remember to bring the prayer sheet back with you tomorrow. We need it for practice with S. Rosela.
Reading - read The Witches up to page 60 and respond as follows:
List any words you come across that you don’t know.
Write any T-T or T-S connections you can make.
Write any questions, thoughts or predictions you have while reading.

Wednesday Homework -

Read chapters 1 - 3 in The Witches and respond to the questions (from the sheet) in your RRJ.

Math - p. 6

Word Study - get test signed and correct those  you got wrong. Remember, the way to correct them is to look up the correct answer and explain why it is a better choice than what you put.

LA - workbook pages 85 and 86

REMINDER - tomorrow is the great spellcheck. All students will take the spelling test whether they brought they are participating in the fundraiser or not since it is a good review of words 4th graders should be able to spell. I gave out new copies of the spelling list to be sure everyone would have one.

Tuesday Homework:

Religion test tomorrow on Chapter 1. Remember to study all the key words, the chapter reviews and any other information we discussed in the chapter.

Read for 15 minutes and record on log.

Science - Read text pages C34 - 39 and do the sheet. Notice how the subtitles in the chapter are headings on the sheet.

Math - page 2 on workbook

LA - sentence sheet

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week of October 4th


No school on Friday, October 8th or Monday, October 11th.

Thursday Homework:

Read 15 minutes and record on log
Science - lab questions (in notebook)
Religion - test next Wednesday (Chapter 1)
SS - landform project due Tuesday (Be sure to complete checklist.)
Word Study - complete chart for Lesson 2 words. You should have two columns:

Words I already know                    Words I need to learn

If you know some of the definitions for a word, but not all, put the word in both columns with the number of the definition you know (and don't know) next to it in each column.


Dress Down tomorrow - Lee Denim Day at SES.  $2 donation requested. In keeping with the spirit of the day we recommend you wear something denim and/or pink. For more information about Lee National Denim Day, check the website. 

No school on Friday, October 8th or Monday, October 11th.

Wednesday Homework

Read for 15 minutes and record on log.
RRJ - write a letter to me telling me about the book you are reading. This shouldn't just be a summary of the book. tzell me what  you think of it. Are you enjoying it? How do you feel about the characters? Are they real, like anyone you know? Are you making T-S or T-T connections as you read. Just share your thoughts with me.

Math - page 5

Religion - page 30

SS - landform booklet (due Tuesday) You can leave your SS book home until then.

Word Study - test Thursday

Religion test on Chapter 1 is next Wednesday.

Tuesday Homework:

Read 15 minutes and record on log.
Finish reading Train to Somewhere and look for T-T connections.
SS - workbook page 3
Math - page 4 - write out the numbers in 1 - 12 in word form. 
          Example: 1) 79 - seventy-nine

Word Study - study for test on Thursday

Monday Homework:

Read 15 minutes and record on log.
RRJ – respond to any one of the questions on the sheet about A Visit With Grandpa.
Math – page 4
Religion – glue St. Francis blessing into notebook and decorate with animals
Word Study – do 1C and 1D in your notebook. Remember to study for test on Thursday
Sample of how to do Word Study –
  1. dismay – to lose $10
                   also c (and d if you dislike celery)

1D  Synonyms

1.  benefit/help

REMINDER - if you haven't done the Spanish homework, it's listed under last week's Tuesday homework.