Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Monday, October 31, 2011

Homework Hero Website

Beginning today, October 31st, all of the teachers will be posting homework on the Homework Hero website. I will continue to post homework here each day, but you can find all our homework as well as Special Subject homework on the link on the main school website.

St. Ephrem School website
Homework Hero page for our class

Reminder - wearing winter uniforms begins on Wednesday

Week of October 31st

Homework for Thursday November 3rd   

REMINDER - Picture Day tomorrow
Reading:  Read for 15 minutes in The Witches.  
Religion:  Reminder - Saint Project on our class saints is due Friday November 4th. 
Math:   Test Friday
I gave out 2 review sheets -
There are also 2 homework sheets one for ordering numbers and one for rounding
The Rounding homework is the sheet that is page 19. The reverse side of that sheet has an extra page of problems in case you want extra practice but it is not required homework,
Wordly Wise   Lesson 3 - Exercise 3A  
Upcoming tests:   Friday November 4th - Math test on rounding, estimating, and ordering numbers.Next week - Religion Chapter 2 - Wednesday
Wordly Wise spelling and vocab - Thursday 
Homework for Wednesday November 2nd 
Reading:  Read for 15 minutes in The Witches.  
Religion:  Pages 38 - 39
Reminder - Saint Project on our class saints is due Friday November 4th. 
Math:   Page 10
Remember test on Friday
Wordly Wise   Lesson 3 - Divide the words into the two listsWords I Know
Words I Need to Learn
Upcoming tests:   Friday November 4th - Math test on rounding, estimating, and ordering numbers. 

Homework for Monday October 31st 
Reminder - Tuesday, November 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses at St. Ephrem Church are at 7, 9 and 11 am. The 11am Mass is for Mr. Bartone so attendance would be appreciated.
Reading:  Read for 15 minutes.  
Religion:  Saint Project on our class saints is due Friday November 4th. 
Math:   2 Halloween story problems. Remember - use the strategy of drawing a picture to solve the problem. Also write an explanation of how you got your answer. You may write the explanation and show your work on either looseleaf or white computer paper.  
Writing:   If you did not finish the final draft of your story, you must finish it and hand it in on Wednesday.  
Upcoming tests:   Friday November 4th - Math test on rounding, estimating, and ordering numbers. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of October 24th

Friday - Last day for Yankee Candle sale

Thursday Homework 

RRJ - Have you ever had a time whenyou really looked forward to something but then were disappointed?
Read Chapter 5 in The Witches and go back to your RRJ and make T - S connections.

SS - Read pages 18 - 24 and do sheet.  Test on Monday is only on Lessons 1 and 2.

Science - look through your notebook and complete the notebook rubric.

REMINDER - Thursday is Dress in Red day

Wednesday Homework -

Reminder - Red Ribbon Week poem and poster due tomorrow.  Baby pics for those who forgot them!

Read for 15 minutes.
Religion - pages 36 and 37
Math - sheet
Work on your Roald Dahl Halloween story.

Science test - look up anything you were unsure of. You can add to your answers tomorrow.

Tuesday Homework –

Red Ribbon Week – write a poem encouraging people to stay away from drugs. Write it on a poster and decorate.  (Due Thursday)

Bring in a baby picture.

Science – study for Glaciers test

Anyone who is wondering about the Science test. I told the children they only needed to study what is in their Science notebooks. This includes notes we took on glaciers, three worksheets they did for homework and which we went over in class, and notes about their observations of the lab work we did with glaciers. Of course they can bring home the text (Glaciers pages C32 - 37)  to review.  They need to know what glaciers are, how they form, how they move, and how they change the land.

RRJ – What are some characteristics of Roald Dahl books?
First - a note to parents - Anyone who is wondering about the Science test. I told the children they only needed to study what is in their Science notebooks. This includes notes we took on glaciers, three worksheets they did for homework and which we went over in class, and notes about their observations of the lab work we did with glaciers. Of course they can bring home the text (Glaciers pages C32 - 37)  to review.  They need to know what glaciers are, how they form, how they move, and how they change the land.

REMINDER - very important Home School Meeting tonight.

Monday homework -
If you did not bring in your pumpkin on Monday, please be sure to have it Tuesday.
Think Reading book - pages 13 - 15 in notebook
Math - page 5 and sheet
Wordly Wise test - Tuesday
Science test - Wednesday
Social Studies test postpone to next Monday

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week of October 17th

Reminder - Great American Spell Check pledge forms are due.
Please note - all students will participate in the Spelling challenge (whether they return pledge sheet or not) because these are words 4th graders should know.

Thursday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes. By tomorrow morning you should have finished the first 3 chapters of The Witches. If you have not read that much so far, read The Witches tonight. If you already read 3 chapters, read a different book tonight.

RRJ - sheet with 3 questions about The Witches.
SS - sheet about Main Idea and Details (Glaciers)

Wordly Wise - Lesson 2 spelling test tomorrow.

Reminder - Library tomorrow

Upcoming Tests:

Friday - 10/21 - Wordly Wise Lesson 2 Spelling
Tuesday - 10/25 - Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test
Wednesday -10/26 - Science (Glaciers)
Friday - 10/28 - Social Studies (info to follow)

Wednesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes in The Witches. Make sure you at least finish Chapter 1. Don't read past Chapter 3.
RRJ - How is Roald Dahl's description of witches different or the same as what you drew and wrote?
ELA - Grammar workbook page 3
Religion - Mass question in notebook.  Why is it important that we attend Mass as a class each week? Think about what you wrote for Monday's homework to help you answer this question.
Science - sheet

Tuesday Homework –

Read for 15 minutes. In your RRJ, write a letter to me telling me about what you’ve been reading in the last week. Tell me your thoughts about your book(s).

ELA – Grammar workbook page 2
Math – sheet
Science – sheet

Math test signed

Remember - Spanish is tomorrow!

Monday Homework

Read the article with a family member. According to the article, what are some of the reasons it is important for you to attend Mass on Sunday (or Saturday evening)?

Write a paragraph explaining your answer. (On looseleaf)

Math – workbook page 6.  Do 13 – 20 in notebook first.

RRJ – Draw what you think a witch looks like. What do you know about witches?

Wordly Wise 2A and 2B
Test signed and corrected. To correct the test, write the definitions of the words you got wrong and explain why the other answer is correct.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week of October 11th

Thursday Homework -
Read for 15 minutes
ELA - write good copy of your 4 paragraph James and the Giant Peach essay on looseleaf.
Math - study for test.  If you want to use text book to review, use pages 1, 36, 40 and 42. Remember this includes writing words for numbers.  If you want to use the workbook, it's pages 1, 3 and 4. NOT page 2.

REMINDER - Library is on Thursday!  Remember your folders.

Wednesday Homework

Read for 15 minutes
Wordly Wise sheet (use 1E to help you).
Math - sheet
Also, come in prepared to ask for whatever help you need for Friday's test
SS - Read pages 10 - 15 and do mini-sheet

Spanish -

There was a problem today with many people forgetting books or homework for Spanish  so I'll post it on the side each week.

Last week's homework was to do pages 1 - 4 and do quick quiz on page 5.

Read pages 5 and 6 and do answers on page 7

Tuesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes.

RRJ – Choose ONE scene from the movie James and the Giant Peach that is the same as the book and write a paragraph telling how it is the same.

Math - workbook page 3
Religion - sheet (color and cut out)
Wordly Wise - test on meanings tomorrow
Spelling test signed and corrected 5X each

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week of October 3rd

Thursday Homework –

Read for 15 minutes.

RRJ – Choose ONE scene from the movie James and the Giant Peach that is different from the book and write a paragraph telling how it is different.

Math - review sheet
Science – In your Science Notebook p. 6 Glacier Observation:

1) Draw what you observed today when we built a glacier.
2) Write what you learned from the SmartBoard videos about how glaciers form and move.
3) Explain what you saw in our experiment about what happens to the land and rocks as the glacier moves.
4) How do you think what you saw explains how the land of New York state was formed.

Wordly Wise – spelling test tomorrow. Vocab test on Wednesday.  (Correction - moved to Wednesday since we have Monday off for Columbus Day!)

Wednesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes. Be sure Roald Dahl reading logs are up to date
Religion - Test tomorrow on Chapter 1.  Study from Practice Test. Do essay in notebook.
WW - Spelling test on words on Friday, Vocabulary part of test is on Monday
Math -workbook page 2
Science - bring a rock for our glacier. Think about our work today and how this "ice cube" was more like a glacier than the other one.

Tuesday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes.
Religion - Practice Test (Test on Thursday on Chapter 1).
WW - 1D  (Spelling test on words on Friday, Vocabulary part of test is on Monday)
Math - sheets

Monday Homework -

Read for 15 minutes.
Religion - finish pages 28 - 30 (Test on Thursday on Chapter 1).
WW - 1C  (Spelling test on words on Friday, Vocabulary part of test is on Monday)
Math - quiz signed and corrected (Corrections 3 x each on looseleaf)  Study Place Value. You should know all the places and the periods.
SS - postcard from NY