Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Monday, April 30, 2012

First week of May!

No weekend homework -

ENJOY because we will have weekend homework next weekend.  :(

Also,  be sure to look out for the SUPER MOON tomorrow night. You can read more about it here -
Super Moon

There's a video explaining it here - http://www.space.com/15037-super-moon-return-2012-video.html

Thursday Homework -

Read for 30 minutes. (This may be the Science or Social Studies.)
Science COACH - Lessons 4 and 5 (pages 33 - 38).
Social Studies  - Read pages 78 - 83. In notebook, write a paragraph using details from the text to explain the changes you observe in the pictures on pages 80 and 82.

 Wednesday Homework -

Read for 30 minutes (This may be the Science.)
Wordly Wise - 15 A and B (Test won't be until 5/11)
Social Studies - poetry sheet
Science - COACH - Read chapters 1 - 3 (pages 26 - 32) and think about the 3 questions.

Tuesday -

Yes, it's true. No homework tonight other than to read for half an hour.

Enjoy the break. You worked hard last week!

Tonight's homework is to read for 30 minutes and finish a good copy of your Lorax story. Remember you need a drawing of your character.

If you didn't finish your Daffodil poem, finish that as well.

Friday, April 27, 2012


We're 6/8 of the way through state testing, which for all you equivalent fraction pros is 3/4!  Only two days of Science to go and that won't be until the end of May/beginning of June.

Congratulations on surviving 6 brutal days of testing.

NO WEEKEND HOMEWORK except to relax and have fun!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week of April 23rd

One more day of Math testing!

Tomorrow there will be 9 problems in which you have to show work and explain answers.  As practice, work on:
COACH Math pages 209 - 213
Statistics and Probability - p. 50 - 53 and explain how you got your answer.
Study from Math Solutions book.

Wednesday Homework -

Today's homework is all about focusing on areas of math you find difficult.

I handed out 2 packets. Use them to review the concepts and do whatever practice problems you need help with.

Remember to review in the RALLY books.  Be sure to bring the RALLY books back to school tomorrow.

Poetry - tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket Day.  Write a poem or copy a favorite and bring it in tomorrow.


Tuesday Homework -

Tomorrow begins Math testing.  For homework tonight I am giving two sheets for practice. I also told the children to bring home all of the RALLY skills books plus the COACH math book to review anything they are unsure of.

Please get a good night of sleep, eat a good breakfast and bring # 2  pencils!

Monday Homework -

Math - 2 packets.

If you have any problem with the mixed numbers on page 43, just try your best and let me know.

Blue RALLY Number Sense and Operations book - finish pages 30 - 44. If you already did it, check over your answers since we spent a lot of time on that material today.

REMEMBER - Tomorrow is Walk to School Day (if you can) to try to reduce air pollution around our school. A notice went home.  It is also a free dress down day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend Homework

The most important part of this weekend's homework is for you to think about what you're still having problems with and write it down so we can work on it.

RALLY Statistics and Probability Book  - ONLY the following pages:

6-7, 9-12, and 26-29

2008 Test packet

Adding decimals review sheet.

And remember to think about improving behavior!

Earth Day poster using recycled materials is due Monday.  


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week of April 16th

Earth Day poster using recycled materials is due Monday.

ELA is done - onwards to Math!

Thursday Homework - 

2 math packets

 Wednesday Homework - 

ELA practice essay.  Tomorrow is the last day of ELA testing. Math begins next Wednesday.

Day 1 is complete. Onward to Day 2.

Tuesday's homework - 

2 math sheets.

ELA essay
The NYS ELA exam will be given this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (April 17, 18, 19). 

The NYS Math exam will be given next week on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday (April 25, 26, 27)

Monday April 16th

2009 Session 3 booklet

Finish Higher Order Thinking and Reading Skills book 

Math sheets

REMEMBER to bring sharpened pencils and an eraser. It's good to have a small pencil sharpener if you have one.

We will have snack once testing is done.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week of April 2nd

I sent home a note several weeks ago asking for each student to bring another ream of copy paper in. To date only a few students have brought the paper in. I'm embarrassed to ask again, but copying all these practice tests uses up huge amounts of paper.  Thank you!

Tuesday Homework -

ELA - 2010 Session 3 booklet (Do in book.)
Packet about Story Elements

Math - packet about fractions and decimals.  Includes a review of some basic geometry and a study sheet.

2010 Math - Days 1, 2, and 3
Study the 4 Rally Skills books. (Review the pages we did and make sure there's nothing that confuses you.)

ELA - Study from packets that I handed out. There are study packets on:
Story Elements
Author's Purpose
Frequently Mistaken Words

Tomorrow the students will receive 2002 Day 1 and Day 3 packets and a red booklet.

Monday Homework -

ELA - Poetry packet
2008 Book 3

Math -  multiplication review sheet
             Measurement book - pages 17 - 30

REMINDER - mite boxes are due