Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning Update

Good morning.

I sent this notice via email to every parent  whose email address I have. Please mention it to other parents if you happen to be speaking to them.

Over the years, I have used RALLY test prep materials because they are one of the best out there, in my opinion. Once in awhile, they offer free access online.

Today, I got an email from RALLY offering free vacation access to their online reading comprehension program. This access is free until January 6th.

I have had this access a few times in the past and the children have really profited from using it.

This is the link you go to for access.  http://www.rallyeducationonline.com/RT/rally.php?StudentLogin+StudentHome+READ

You have to enter info about the school name, state and zipcode, but no personal info.

Then you get entry to Level D which is 4th grade.

That will take you to a page where you can get instruction and practice on the following skills.

1. Recall Facts and Details
2. Identify Main Ideas
3. Identify Sequence
4. Analyze Language and Vocabulary
5. Analyze Character, Plot, and Setting
6. Recognize Cause and Effect
7. Compare and Contrast
8. Distinguish Fact from Opinion
9. Predict Outcomes
10. Draw Conclusions
11. Make Inferences
12. Analyze Point of View and Purpose
13. Identify Literary Forms and Sources of Information
14. Apply Prior Knowledge

Please don't hesitate to email if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your help and generosity and cooperation these past few months. I am so grateful for all of you.  I wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year ahead.

Note: vacation homework is in the post below this.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wishing You Blessings at Christmas

Merry Christmas to all. I wish you a blessed Christmas Day and a Happy New Year.  See you in 2013.

Vacation Homework -

Yes, sadly that is one consequences of being in 4th grade.

1 Reading Comprehension Packet
1 Reading/Writing Packet
RALLY Red Math book - Do problems 1 - 10 in the notebook I gave you.

I told the children I am transferring everyone to Multiplication after Christmas vacation because they need to learn those facts. I can't just have them doing addition/subtraction all year.  If they have not yet reached 100% fluency by then, they will lose all tokens, etc. in the switch. That's a consequence of the program design, but 4 months is more than long enough to reach fluency if students are doing the required days.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week of December 17th

The only homework for Thursday is to read and do Reflex if you have not already done so.

I told the children I am transferring everyone to Multiplication after Christmas vacation because they need to learn those facts. I can't just have them doing addition/subtraction all year.  If they have not yet reached 100% fluency by then, they will lose all tokens, etc. in the switch. That's a consequence of the program design, but 4 months is more than long enough to reach fluency if students are doing the required days.

Regarding the party on Friday -
If you would like to donate anything for our breakfast party please email me or send a note. We already have the following donations:
some juice (can use more)

Thank you!

Wednesday Homework -

Read for 25 minutes and update log
Math - Study for test on Thursday - Lattice multiplication only. (Double digit)
Wordly Wise - E (test is the Friday after vacation ends)
ELA - reread Section i of the Iroquois Constitution. Underlines words that are unfamiliar to you and use context clues (information from the passage) to try to figure out what they might mean.
Science - from yesterday read pages D 4 - D 13 and do questions 1 - 5 on D 13.  (Due Thursday)

Sorry to bear the news but a head lice notice went home today. Please check your child's head and please make sure all girls have their hair up.

Tuesday Homework -

Read for 25 minutes and update log
Math - pages 4-1B 1 and 2
Study for test on Thursday - Lattice multiplication only!
Wordly Wise - C and D
Science - read pages D 4 - D 13 and do questions 1 - 5 on D 13.  (Due Thursday)

Please check with your child for the memo from Mrs. Bartone regarding our security protocol.
Also, people asked for a range for presents. I think $10 - $15 seems reasonable. Please let me know if that is a problem.
We will be having a Christmas breakfast party on Friday.

Monday Homework -

Read for 25 minutes. Be sure log is up to date.
Wordly Wise - A and B
Think Reading pages 14 - 15
Math - finish page in packet

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Note to parents

I've gotten some questions about holiday gift exchanges. I'd meant to discuss this with you at report card night but I completely forgot so I'm putting up this note here and on HomeworkNow for feedback. Please email me your responses through the Homework Now page.
I'll make and announce a decision by Friday to allow for weekend shopping.

The choices:

A) Nothing
B) Kris Kringle - each child chooses a specific name
C) Grab Bag - if you want to participate you bring something and then you receive something. If you're not interested, that's fine. No pressure.

Thank you!

Thursday Homework -

Read for 25 minutes and log.
Math - 2 sheets and study for test. There was some confusion as to whether test was today or Friday so I made it Friday.

Wordly Wise - sheet and study
ELA - finish sheet on The Great Law of Peace

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of December 10th

Sorry - internet went down again

Wednesday Homework -

Read for 25 minutes and log.  (Only 1 week to go on this reading log).
Math - REFLEX and study for test
Wordly Wise - study for test
Social Studies - read text pages 40 - 45. DO questions 1 - 5 (p. 44) in notebook. Remember to answer in full sentences!

REMINDER - Christmas Sale is Wednesday (tomorrow)

Tuesday -

Read for 25 minutes.

No written homework because of the concert tonight.

Children should arrive at the Old School Hall (lunchroom) around 7:05. We will go upstairs at 7:15.
The concert begins at 7:30 and lasts about an hour.

Children should be picked up in the classroom after the concert.

Math test on Thursday is basic multiplication (up to problems like 4,210 x 4 =__ ) as well as the properties (identity, zero, and commutative).

It does NOT include double digit multiplication.

Wordly Wise - Chapter 5 test on Friday

Apologies for the spacing. Blogger is messed up today.

 Monday Homework

Read for 25 minutes.

Wordly Wise D and E Math -

We learned a new method of multiplication today called Lattice.

The homework is to complete the first 6 problems (a - f) on the blank lattice sheet.

Try your best. Use the examples we did in class to guide you. If you're having problems, try looking at this site. It takes you through step by step. Lattice Multiplication

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of December 3rd

Wednesday Homework:

Read for 25 minutes and log.
Reflex Math (Anyone who has not reached 100% fluency in addition/subtraction has Reflex homework every night. I'm getting way too many messages from Reflex for students who haven't logged in at all in over a week.)
Good copy of Natural Wonders paragraph. May be written neatly on loose leaf or typed.
Wordly Wise 5C

That was the actual Tuesday homework.

Any parent who still would like to come and help with the project - our last day to do it is Wednesday from 11:00 to 12:20.

Many many thanks to the parents who have been able to come so far and those who have generously donated supplies.

I want to apologize in advance if homework isn't posted or emails responded to promptly. We've been having internet gateway issues since last week. Service is in and out and totally unpredictable.
I don't want to post Tuesday's homework in advance because concert practice is affecting our schedule and I'm not sure how much we'll get done. I expect the homework to be:

Read for 25 minutes and log.
Reading sheets.
Math sheet.
Wordly Wise 5 A & B (Note: no WW test until December 14th)

This homework is subject to change.

Monday Homework

Read for 25 minutes and log.
Complete your report card. How would you grade yourself for this trimester?
Math sheet.
Write a paragraph about your Natural Wonder describing what you have learned about it. (Do this in your Social Studies notebook.)