Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Saying goodbye at the end of the year is always so bittersweet. The promise of summer calls to us but it's so sad to say good-bye to friends.

So, we won't say good-bye. Instead we'll say - Have a great summer. See you in September!

Week of June 15th - 19th

No homework this week because we're working hard all week in school!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Week of June 8th - 12th

Thursday -

Read for 20 minutes
In RRJ respond to the following - In the chapter we read today, Catherine is feeling guilty about not going to OT (because Jason sent the carrots for her guinea pigs). She says she's going to make it up to him. What would you do to make it up?

Science - mini-report on weather project due tomorrow. Note - this is not the PowerPoint you did with your partner. This is your own mini-report of what you did.

Social Studies - take home test due Monday.

Wednesday -

NOTE: a few people have still not turned in their colony reports or their St. Ephrem reports. Time is running out!

Religion - Take Home test is due tomorrow. Also do pages 141 - 145.

Read for 25 minutes

SS - workbook pages 39 and 41 (not 40).

Tuesday -

Religion - St. Ephrem report was due today. If you forgot it, do it tonight!
Take Home test is due Thursday!

Math - Daily Homework Practice Book page 138

Read for 20 minutes

In RRJ respond to the following - In the chapter of Rules we read today, Catherine decided to go to her new friend Kristy's house rather than to OT with her brother. What do you think of her decision? How do you think Jason feels when she doesn't show up at OT?

Monday -

Religion - St. Ephrem report is due tomorrow for his feast day
Take Home test is due Thursday!

Math - sheet on decimals

Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies - test signed and rewrite essays if you lost any points on them.

Our school Mass for the Feast Day of St. Ephrem is Tuesday at 11am. All are welcome to join us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week of June 1st - 5th

Thursday -

Read for 20 minutes.

Math - Daily Homework Practice book page 134 (including spiral review).

Social Studies - text pages 194 - 195 - Vocabulary, People and Places, Facts and Main Ideas.

Anyone who hasn't presented their Native American legend yet should practice and be ready to present.

Wednesday -

Read for 20 minutes.

In Rules, Jason's mother asks Catherine to make 7 word cards that she thinks Jason should have in his word book. In your RRJ, make 7 2" by 2" word cards that you would make for Jason.

Math - sheet

Social Studies - write up a good copy of the notes you took on your colony.

Tuesday -

Reminder - Dress Down on Wednesday - $2 to fight Crohn's Disease

Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies - workbook pages 37 and 38

Math - sheet on decimals

Reading = Practice book pages 129 - 130

Monday -

Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies - workbook pages 35 and 36

Reading Practice book pages 179 - 180