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Monday, April 22, 2013

Week of Math State Testing


We're almost done!!!!!

I didn't give any written  homework tonight, but....
We were working on a packet in school this afternoon. I gave the children the answer sheet so they can check any problems they didn't finish. I particularly suggest they review # 67 because that shows division by the rectangle model.


I'm not giving any written homework today, but I suggested the children take home the READY NY books and review - especially anything that may have been confusing on today's test.

Links -  Here is the link for the math questions - http://www.homeworknow.com/hwnow/gethw.php?id=168375

For anyone who is interested - here are some links you can use:
To practice measuring with a protractor (they have one that you can move on the screen)  http://www.mathplayground.com/measuringangles.html

For measuring with a ruler -The ruler game

For a refresher on area model of multiplication - http://www.learner.org/courses/learningmath/number/session4/part_b/multiplication.html
Hint - you needed that for problem # 13

Tuesday Homework -

You know the drill for Wednesday - sleep, eat, relax, bring pencils and a positive attitude!  :)

The only homework is to finish the packet we started in school.

Remember:  Tuesday is a free dress down for anyone who walks to school. If you live too far away, taking public transportation or the school bus counts or you can park a block or two away from school and walk the rest of the way.

Monday -

COACH  Practice Test 2 - pages 24 - 33 (Questions 1 - 45). Just copy the letter on loose leaf.

Properties Packet

Sheet on fractions/percents

I gave out an other copy of the measurement study sheet because some students still haven't memorized the basic measurements.

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