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Friday, February 15, 2013

Vacation Homework

Happy Vacation

The following work needs to be completed over break. You can space it out or do it in chunks, but please don't get help!  I need to know what you can do on your own, so please, no parental, sibling, or tutor help on these. 
Parents, if you would like to work on a skill you notice your child got wrong, that's fine, but please don't correct the work. If I think it's all correct, I won't review the skills in class.  Thank you!

I would like each child to have the following when they return from break -
~ one set of 3 x 5 lined index cards
~ working highlighters (Many have broken or run out)
~ post-its (Again, many have been lost or used up)
~ sharpened pencils and pens (This is becoming a problem  :(  )
~ test prep folders. (Many students already have one, but it's better to have one for Math and one for ELA since they're already bulging!)


RALLY Reading - Rally Packet Practice Test 1 in the back. I had the children fold over the correct pages since they're not numbered.  It starts with Atalanta and the Golden Apples, and ends with Peaceful Paintings in Troubled Times.

Again, please don't correct the answers (or help with the writing). I will be differentiating practice based on which skills individual students need help with. Thanks!

Wordly Wise - D and E.  Test will be on Wednesday, February 27th.

RALLY Math - We already did questions 1 - 10, so begin with #11 on page 21  and continue through # 27 on page 38.   Do all work in the corresponding notebook.

Enjoy the time off!

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