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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning Update

Good morning.

I sent this notice via email to every parent  whose email address I have. Please mention it to other parents if you happen to be speaking to them.

Over the years, I have used RALLY test prep materials because they are one of the best out there, in my opinion. Once in awhile, they offer free access online.

Today, I got an email from RALLY offering free vacation access to their online reading comprehension program. This access is free until January 6th.

I have had this access a few times in the past and the children have really profited from using it.

This is the link you go to for access.  http://www.rallyeducationonline.com/RT/rally.php?StudentLogin+StudentHome+READ

You have to enter info about the school name, state and zipcode, but no personal info.

Then you get entry to Level D which is 4th grade.

That will take you to a page where you can get instruction and practice on the following skills.

1. Recall Facts and Details
2. Identify Main Ideas
3. Identify Sequence
4. Analyze Language and Vocabulary
5. Analyze Character, Plot, and Setting
6. Recognize Cause and Effect
7. Compare and Contrast
8. Distinguish Fact from Opinion
9. Predict Outcomes
10. Draw Conclusions
11. Make Inferences
12. Analyze Point of View and Purpose
13. Identify Literary Forms and Sources of Information
14. Apply Prior Knowledge

Please don't hesitate to email if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your help and generosity and cooperation these past few months. I am so grateful for all of you.  I wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year ahead.

Note: vacation homework is in the post below this.

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