Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Monday, March 25, 2013

Week of March 25th

REMINDER:  Dismissal tomorrow is at 11:30.  There is NO afterschool.

The homework I assigned today is due after vacation.

There was a letter from Mrs. Rao and me detailing practice test work to do over break.  What I suggested to the children is that after they do one part, they use the review books to look up any questions they had, or lessons they were unsure of.  That way they can see if it will help on the second one.

I also gave them a set of vocabulary flashcards for math. These words are key to understanding the questions. They should finish making the cards and STUDY the words!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Note re: SS test.  Yes, it's cancelled.
With all the stress over the Science Fair and test prep and vacation, it seems cruel to add another test in there, so I'll just count the practice one they did. Now if anyone is disappointed and wants the test, I'll be happy to accommodate individuals. ;)

This is the letter -

The children are bringing home their Ready ELA and Math Test Practice books.  Their homework assignment to be completed during spring break is to complete Practice tests 2 & 3 in both books. Please have your child work at a table, in a quiet setting free from distractions, and have the following tools available:
  • Timer
  • 2 sharpened pencils
  • Highlighter
  • Ruler
  • Protractor (we included a paper one)
  • Bubble sheet ELA p. 107 Math p. 121
  • Math testing Notebook

Please administer each test separately and follow timed schedule:


Practice Test 2 Book 1       60 Mins.           Pages 37- 56
Practice Test 2 Book 2       60 Mins            Pages 57- 64
Practice Test 2 Book 3       60 Mins            Pages 65 – 72

Practice Test 3 Book 1       60 Mins            Pages 73 – 90
Practice Test 3 Book 2       60 Mins            Pages 91 – 98
Practice Test 3 Book 3       60 Mins            Pages 99 – 105


Practice Test 2 Book 1       60 Mins.           Pages 39- 53
Practice Test 2 Book 2       60 Mins            Pages 54- 67
Practice Test 2 Book 3       60 Mins            Pages 68 – 79

Practice Test 3 Book 1       60 Mins            Pages 80 – 94
Practice Test 3 Book 2       60 Mins            Pages 95 – 109
Practice Test 3 Book 3       60 Mins            Pages 110 – 119

REMEMBER to have your index cards and glue sticks/scissors with you tomorrow.
We are working in the Test Prep Ready NYCC:

Tonight's homework -

Math - pages 119 - 125.  It says do with a group, but this is all work we have done before, so just write out the answers on your own in the back half of the notebook.

ELA - pages 159 - 168. Read carefully!!!! You don't have to write everything out. Just write out the answers.  Do it in the front half of the notebook I gave you.

Parents - I sent home the COACH books to those who ordered. You can feel free to have your child work on any part of it you wish (alone or with you or the tutor).  The children did a practice test today so I will send home individualized suggestions for practice.I will be happy to check any work if you like.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week of March 18th

Remember - tomorrow is Dress Down for Autism   $2 donation

Thursday Homework - 

Read for 30 minutes

Math - 2 sheets
SS- take home test (due Friday)  Actual test will be next Tuesday.

Wednesday Homework - 

Read for 30 minutes.
SS/ELA - read the packet with info about the Algonquians. Take notes on important facts in SS notebook.
Math - workbook pages 109 (try) and 111 (finish).

Wordly Wise test will not be until after Easter break.

Tuesday Homework - 

Read for 30 minutes. That may include the ELA.

ELA - In a recent writing assignment, there was some confusion about the difference between plot and theme. So for tonight, I'd like the students to work in the COACH book and do Lesson 28 - Plot and Lesson 31 - Theme. Do any exercises on loose leaf.


 Reminder - dismissal is at 11:30 tomorrow.

A followup slip went home to everyone who signed up for a Tuesday conference, so please check with your child.

Monday Homework -

Read for 30 minutes.
Math - for Measurement Monday we were practicing measuring angles. The workbook pages (119 and 120) are a review of some of the skills we worked on.

ELA - finish a good draft of your Pourquoi story on looseleaf.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Homework

Best wishes to everyone participating in HOOP it UP tonight.  Hope you have a great time.

REMINDER - Each child signed up for a specific day next week to present Science Fair projects. You should bring your boards and materials in on that day.


Math - COACH review lessons on measurement (pages 158 - 170)
ELA - Main idea packet - pages 4 - 15
Draft of Pourquoi story in your Writer's Notebook

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of March 11th

Thursday Homework

Read for 30 minutes
Social Studies sheet - do in notebook
Math - sheet.  You do not have to do questions #6 and 10 - 13 because those involve simplifying. If you understand simplifying fractions, you can give them a try.
Wordly Wise - finish E.  Test tomorrow

Wednesday Homework -

Read in Social Studies text (pages 94 - 99) and take notes.
Math - workbook page 100. (This is a review of factors before using them to simplify fractions.)
Wordly Wise D and E. E is not due until Friday. Test is Friday.
Science - work on your egg plan. I want to see some writing about it!

Parents - I have to return for round 2 of the state testing workshops tomorrow afternoon. I'll be at school until 12 and then the students will most likely join the Jr. High for Stations from 12 - 12:30. Barring any last minute changes, dismissal will be from Church.

Tuesday Homework

Read for 30 minutes
ELA - essay sheet about King Puck story (in your notebook). This is not your final draft.
Math - Finish equivalent fractions sheet and do orange workbook page 99


Social Studies - this afternoon you were supposed to be working on taking notes on pages 88 - 92. If you did not complete that, finish it for homework.

Monday Homework

Read for 30 minutes
ELA sheet

Math - orange workbook page 76
Green workbook page 8 (in your problem solving notebook)

Think about the egg experiment and what you want to do.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week of March 4th

Weekend homework - 

Read for 30 minutes.
Science - study for test - Chapter 9, Lesson 6 only. That covers the part of weather we have been working on about air, atmosphere, winds, clouds, etc.

Math - mini packet - Safari word problems.
ELA - 2007 test

Reminder - Re-registration is due by Friday. Even if you are not returning, please return the form so we know.

Thursday Homework -

Read for 30 minutes in your Newbery book.
Write a letter to me telling me how your Newbery reading has been going. Tell me what you've read so far and what you think of it. Do you agree that the book deserved an award? How would you compare it to other books you have read. Share your thoughts.
The letter must be at least one side of looseleaf.
Wordly Wise - B and C
Science -sheet (both sides)
Math -  workbook page 98

REMINDER - you need to be doing REFLEX at least 3 times a week.

Religion test was postponed until tomorrow because the copy machine was under repair the past two days.

Wednesday Homework - 

Read for 30 minutes in your Newbery book.

Science - Continue with note-taking for pages D64 - 69

Math -  Because we had the fraction test today, tonight's homework is a word problem review. Number Sense and Operations Packet - pages 59 - 67.

Reminder - Religion test is tomorrow.

Regarding the Math homework -

I'm not sure what happened, but the papers must have fed through the copier wrong. I noticed a number of words were cut off along with parts of questions 3 and 4. You can skip anything you can't read, but I think only question 3 was really affected.

So just to clarify some things I've gotten questions about - Math quiz is Wednesday. It's on what we've done so far on fractions  - identifying them, adding and subtracting them, simple equivalent fractions (ex 1/2 = 2/4).

Measurement Monday is something altogether separate. I find that doing all measurement together as a unit is overwhelming, so we do it on Mondays in March and April - Measurement Mondays. Each Monday will be a different type of measurement. For this week it was using a ruler/yardstick for inches, feet, yards, and converting the measurements - inches to feet, feet to yards, etc. Once we've done the measurement, I'll begin to include that kind of problem in our word problem practice.  Measurement is NOT on Wednesday's test.

Religion test is on the three chapters they did practice tests for - Chapters 8, 9, 10.   They only have to study what is on the sheets. Ch 8 is an overview of the Ten Commandments. Ch. 9 is Commandment #1 and 10 is Commandment #2.

Reminder - the Science Fair project approval papers should have been turned in already.
Projects will be due the week of March 18th. Children will be scheduled for different days during that week.

Tuesday Homework -
Read for 30 minutes in your Newbery book.

Wordly Wise - Look up new words and make the chart of words you know and words you need to learn.
Math - packet
ELA - grammar sheet and page 2 of packet (which is numbered page 176).

Monday Homework -
Read for 30 minutes in your Newbery book.

Wordly Wise - review sheet
Math - Measurement Monday!  Do workbook pages 71 and 72.
Social Studies read pages 84 and 85 and do questions on page 85 in notebook.
Religion test - study the tests I gave back.