Our Scholastic Activation Code is GLRT2

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week of November 29th

Due for Monday -

Candy Project
Roald Dahl Book Award final draft

Thursday Homework -

Read for 20 minutes.
SS page 9

Math page 86 in workbook

Science - finish question 4 from the lab and draw what you observed.

Work on Willy Wonka Candy project

NOTE:  Your Willy Wonka Candy project will be due on Monday, December 6th. Details to come on Thursday.

Wednesday Homework

Read for 20 minutes.
Finish edited and revised FINAL copy of your Witches book review. Remember to carefully review the checklist to make sure you fulfilled all requirements.

Begin draft of your "Favorite Roald Dahl" book essay. The three paragraph draft should be done according to the outline I gave you.
1.  Introductory sentence naming your favorite Roald Dahl book. You can add a one sentence description of why here.
2. BRIEF paragraph summarizing the book. Remember not to give the ending or too many details away.
3. Paragraph explaining in detail why this is your favorite Roald Dahl book. It would be good to use examples from the story here.

Also - reminder for those who dislike Roald Dahl books. Your task is to explain why and then do the same explanation for what is your favorite non-Roald Dahl book.

Remember that the SS from yesterday is due Thursday.

CHRISTMAS SALE is tomorrow.

Tuesday homework -

Read for 20 minutes.

SS - due Thursday - complete Unit two vocab in your notebook and do workbook page 8.

Religion- questions in notebook

Reminder - if you have not yet returned the appointment form for parent-teacher conferences, please do so as soon as possible.

SS brochure is due tomorrow.

Monday homework -

Read for 20 minutes.
Complete the compare/contrast sheet about the chocolate factories.

Word Study - test signed and corrected.
Do 4A in notebook. If you did not finish dividing the words into the two lists (Words I know and Words I need to learn) do that as well.

Math - sheet to practice subtraction with 000's.  Do in your notebook. I forgot to tell you to show the check, so do that if you see this.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Week 2010

Tuesday Homework -

Reminder - Wednesday is our November park trip so be sure to bring in your permission slips.
Anyone who has not turned in the art journal to Mrs. Bardo should bring it in.

Read for 20 minutes
Math - page 19
Science - sheets

Monday Homework -
Read for 20 minutes
Word Study test tomorrow.
SS - first group of Chapter 2 words - define in notebook.
Math - page 77 # 7 - 28 in notebook.
Religion - card for St. Rose Philippine Duchesne feast day

A notice went home today about our Advent project to help the children of St. Lucia recover from the hurricane and flood damage. The requested items from the 4th grade are pencils and construction paper. Please send in by November 30th.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week of November 15th

I hope everyone had a fun time at the chocolate factory today. I know I learned a lot about what goes into making chocolate! Thanks so much to our chaperones for helping out.

Homework -
Read for 15 minutes.
Religion test tomorrow on Chapter 3.
Math - page 17
RRJ - make a list of all the things you can think of that you learned on the trip today. We'll be working on a couple of writing projects based on this trip so it's a good idea to write your thoughts down while they're fresh.


Chocolate factory trip is tomorrow. A note went home today with reminders to wear gym uniforms and bring a bag lunch and any money you wish to spend in the shop.

Chaperones please come to the front desk at 9:30.


Read for 15 minutes.
RRJ - questions about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and out trip
Religion - Practice test for Chapter 3

Science - questions about our pumpkin seeds (from the sheet I gave you) in notebook.


Read for 15 minutes.

Read pages A 80 - 89  in Science book and do questions on both sides of sheet. Think about how this relates to what we have seen with our pumpkin seeds.

Word Study exercise 3B and 3C  in notebook.

Religion - read page 50 and do response in NB.


Read for 15 minutes.

Read pages A 70 - 74  in Science book and do questions 1 - 20 on sheet.

Word Study exercise 3A in notebook

Math - page 15.

Book orders are due tomorrow.

Friday, November 12, 2010


The Social Studies test is on Monday.  I gave out a study sheet that lists everything the children should know. We went over the practice test today and corrected everything so they can use that to study from as well as their notes and the workbook pages.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I promised I would post these videos for Veterans Day.

The song is from a poem written by John McCrae during World War I.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Week of November 8th


Read 15 minutes each day. You can read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or something else.
Religion - in your Religion notebook, write a prayer for the veterans whose special day we celebrate on Thursday.

SS test is postponed until Monday
Do SS take home test. This counts as a homework grade but also as a review for the Monday test. I suggest you reread Lesson 3 before doing the test.


Read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Note: Wimpy Kid fans who are reading the book that came out today can read that instead of Charlie tonight!
While you are reading, write down any questions you think of on either your post-its or in your RRJ.

Science - study Lesson 3 for test on Glaciers.

Annushka has a recommendation below in comments for a site to help. I also recommend the official site for the book - Shaping the Earth.

Monday -

Read for 15 minutes.
In RRJ, write a paragraph on your thoughts about Roald Dahl books you have read so far. (We're starting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow.)
Math - test signed and corrected.
Religion - test signed and corrected. Read pages 46 - 49 and answer questions in NB.
Science - sheet. This is a review for Wed. test. Test is only on Lesson 3 Glaciers

SS test on Friday is on Chapter 1. We will go over it more tomorrow.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week of November 1st

Reminder - PICTURE DAY is tomorrow!

Saint Project due Nov. 9th
Please remember $1 for mission money.

Thursday -

Read for 15 minutes. Before you read, choose one of the strategies to work on and write it in your RRJ. After reading, evaluate how well you used the strategy.

Word Study - Lesson 3 words - review the words and divide them into 2 columns in your WS noteboo: Words I already know and Words I need to learn.

ELA - test signed and corrected.

Math - p. 15

Religion - November heart to remember and pray for family members who have died.

Wednesday -

Read for 15 minutes.

Write a draft of your Book Review of The Witches using the model we looked at on pages 258 - 259 of Write Source.

Study for Math test - the test is on adding and subtracting with money and word problems with money. Study lessons 1 - 9 and 1 - 11.

Read for 15 minutes.
SS - finish the questions on page 7 in your notebook. DO workbook page 1.
Math - page 14 in workbook
Word Study - test signed and corrected the way I explained.


Today is National Authors' Day

Read for 15 minutes.
Choose your favorite book/author and, in your RRJ, draft a letter of appreciation to the author.

Religion - questions in notebook
                 Saint project due Nov. 9th

 Math - page 10 (Do as much as you understand.) Test Thursday

Word Study - Test tomorrow. Finish 2E if you didn't finish in class.